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Levasseur resigns Crafton council seat


Crafton’s Phillip Levasseur resigned from his position on council through letter during the Nov. 10 borough meeting. Levasseur is a longtime resident of Crafton and previously served as council president.


“Basically his professional life has caused him to resign, so its advancements in his professional life,” said Council President John Oliverio after reading Levasseur’s formal resignation letter. “I do want to acknowledge all the work that he’s done and from a career perspective this is a good move for him.”

Levasseur’s departure leaves an opening on the borough council. All residents of Crafton, with at least one year of residency in the borough, are able to apply for the position. Applications are available in person at the Community Center or on the borough website. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 1.

At the Dec. 8 meeting, all applicants will have the chance to make a five-minute comment and answer questions from council members. Then council members will make a resolution to elect the candidate of their choice. The council member position will run through 2023.


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